The film that I’m going to talk about today is one that made me think of this blog in the first place – a home for works which aren’t heard of much. I still remember the evening in the year of 2018 – had it not been for a few friends who’d gotten me to the film festival, which was dismal at the start (with a terrible film, but I won’t name it now), I’d neither have known that such work ever existed, nor would you be reading this now. As is typical of me, I’d walked into the hall pretty late, but still managed to find a seat because it was the last show that night, starting at some time around nine or nine-thirty, which was pretty late for a weekday. When I’d begun watching the film, Andrei, the supposed antagonist, as we begin to feel later in the movie, was eyeing this woman in a light dress far from where all the action at his exhibition was – which was in my opinion, probably the best place to start, especially since, a re-watching of the movie, having procured a torrent after...